Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Bluesies

November is the roughest month of the year for me to handle.  I've had bad bouts of the bluesies since 8th grade, always in November.

This November was lighter, not because of sunshine (what's that), but because we were working on a float for work for the local Electric Light Parade.  9065 lights will boost one's spirits.

We had a different Thanksgiving.  All my brothers and sister were there, but none of the greats were there.  Times change. So there was some melancholy, but with a smaller group we got to play a rousing game of hearts and that was fun.

Did you know that rabies shots cost thousands of dollars?  I had a partial set of them in August, just got the bill yesterday.  Fortunately insurance covers most, but wow. And I hadn't budgeted the copay, but I had gotten a bit ahead, so I guess I can handle that.

Well, and then it looks like my washing machine may have tanked too.  Gah. Grateful for Best Buys 18 month financing if I need to replace it.

Inventory at work starts Monday.  That is a one day process for the count, and about a ten day for the adjustment.

Okay, whine is over.

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