Sunday, January 25, 2015

Unconsciously Muttering

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Astrology :: fun game but no reality
  2. Funeral :: sorrow
  3. Candor :: honesty
  4. Dynamic :: duo
  5. Oh my god! :: i prefer the phrase oh my goodness
  6. Cancer :: evil
  7. Ross :: Betsy
  8. Heroes :: complex
  9. Rachael :: Nate's girlfriend
  10. Effortlessly :: easily

12 Years of Unconsciously Muttering!  Patricia, that has to be a record for a meme!  My hat is off to you!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

LEJ's blog

Blogger blogs have a feature where you can go to "next blog".  Sometimes I just travel around, meeting new blogs.

Today I ran into  LEJ writes an unusual blog of NOLA and the swamp.  Worth bookmarking.

Hopefully that means I am a Success?!

When I'm 63

Which is now.

I had hoped to retire at 62.  The ACA put a stop to that.  Insurance is in too much flux now. Even continuing working we have had downgrades to the insurance, but oh well.

Retirement.  The one thing I didn't take seriously enough in deciding where I was going to work for my working career.  It was always more important to me to work for small businesses. I liked being a visible cog in the wheel. But . . . no retirement program.  The 401(k) has done nicely, but even that got screwed when we were purchased and the new owners did not honor the original share-plan.  Oh well.  Hind sight.

Sixty-three is a tired year.  The mind, the brain are as busy as ever, but the body and energy don't seem to keep up.

Sixty-three is also a hopeful year.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Unconscious Mutterings

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Language :: communication
  2. Obvious :: apparent
  3. Skull :: crossbones
  4. Insidious :: invasive
  5. Struggle :: difficult
  6. Unspeakable :: horrible
  7. Orchid :: Hawaii
  8. Fish :: and chips
  9. Annoyingly :: pesteringly
  10. Payroll :: taxes

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Unconscious Mutterings for the new Year!

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Note :: letter
  2. 2015 :: divisible by 5, 13,31, 65, 155 and 403
  3. Earlobe :: Earring
  4. Sunburn :: lotion
  5. Hashtag ::Tweet
  6. Special :: sake
  7. Spacious :: open
  8. Happening :: event
  9. Blank :: slate
  10. Humid :: muggy

Friday, January 02, 2015

2014 in Review - May

This is the fourth year that we have had a group from work do the river clean-up.  The two little girls are our leaders.

Cousin Bruce had his 87th birthday in May.  So glad we got to go to his party, he passed in December.  Best hugger!!

My friends Debbie and Carla:  they are catching up with me!  They both turned 60 this year.

Memorial Day: tending graves the weekend before.  A tradition soooo old!

We started a new tradition this Memorial Day:  original footwear contest!  Daniel won.

2014 in Review - April

The call went out for volunteer photographers to shoot events at the Capital City Film Festival, in its 4th year in Lansing.

I shot the film contest screening, which gave the benefit of seeing shorts filmed by local talent. Very interesting.

April was also a great Easter family celebration.  All of Mom's kids and great-grandkids, and most of the grands.  Too much fun!