Sunday, January 02, 2011

Good-bye 2010

I have to say, i'm rather glad to say good-bye to 2010. It was just one of those cranky years that had more downs than ups. *sigh* I have taken stock of that situation, however, and have realized certain attitude adjustments on my part will make 2011 go ever so much more smoothly.

There were two really cool things that I became a part of in 2010 that will add to the fun of 2011. The first occurred as I worked on a search for a web designer for our company website. As part of this search, two of the firms we interviewed suggested tweeting and fbing for the company. The twitter thing brought us into contact with the Reotown Commercial Association. I should mention that the company I work for is located in an industrial park on the site of the old REO plant. We joined and I'm the representative and 2011 should be an interesting year as this section of town works to reinvent itself.

Second thing: my brother and I established a very small photography business. We have the DBA, the sales tax license, a little studio in the barn, and a few customers. We're curious to see where this will take us in 2011.

So on to the next adventures! Happy New Year to all of you!!

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