Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Question of the Week!

How do you get into bed?


Sudeaux Lux said...

Good question! I put my right knee on the bed first and my hands near the pillow and lie down on my side.

Julie said...

I sit on the side then stack the pillows, swing my legs up on to the bed and sit up against the pillows, arrange to doona, settle the computer on my lap.....

Shirl said...

Susan! I think we're in the minority. I used to do it that way, 'til my knee started acting up. I've been asking around, and the majority are leg swingers like Julie! Though "arrange the doona" means??? and I like the laptop on your lap.

Susan, we must be literal. We are the "crawl into bed" types?

Julie said...

The doona is the thing I get under - duvet?

Anonymous said...

Interesting question. I squat down and bend forward, placing both hands on the futon rather near the pillow, then I slide my left knee onto the futon and pivot my hips around to the left until I'm sort of sitting, half-reclining. Then, if I have the right books handy, and I usually do, I'll open the first read of the night, prop my head on my left arm, elbow on the futon and chin in my hand, and start reading.

Yes, I sleep in a modified Japanese style, with a futon on a low, wooden frame, rather than a traditional Western style bed.

Shirl said...

Gotcha, Julie!

And style of bed would make a difference, wouldn't it, Roscoe! Ineresting! And I like the books at hand.