Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back from Vacation

The problem with returning to work after a vacation is that while the vacationer is rested and may even have had a transformative experience or two, the rest of the staff is not and has not. And so, situation normal continues . . .

I do love my work though. Really


Sudeaux Lux said...

Sounds like your job and co-workers are more like a family.

Hey, wanted to let you know that I have a new website. Broken Hallelujah. Same content, new name.

Roberta S said...

Shirl, truer thoughts could not be spoken. And problem is when our working bodies are rested, souls rejuvenated, we somehow expect it has been a blanket occurance -- and that upon returning to work, everyone else will be more upbeat as well. As blessed as it would be if optimism is contagious, and perhaps in a small way it is, it doesn't rampage through the building like a cold or the flu.

Shirl said...

Hey, that looks awesome, Sude!!! And I'm following you on twitter now too! The times, they do change, eh!

Roberta, that's exactly it. Even though I KNOW better, I got sucked in this time. And of course, we did have a majorly bizzy week at work, which is its own issue!