Monday, January 27, 2014

Not How I Really wanted to use my vacation time . . .

Third day this month that I wasn't able to get to work due to the snow. I tried to be tough today. Got up, got dressed, shoveled the big drift in front of the garage, gunned the little car out to the end of the driveway, made it onto Benton Road . . . which had not been plowed. There was a rut, so I decided to drive up the 1/4 mile to the corner. Mount Hope was only ruts too. Sheesh. I was afraid my little card would be buried. I came back home. This weather has to calm down one of these days. Doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

OMG, we are having a tough winter! You remind me of me last week Monday. I was all geared up to get an early start. It didn't look too bad from in the house looking out the winter, a gentle snow globe type of snow. I made it to the highway, but not even a block as in the pitch black the snow in the headlights looked like I was driving into a vortex and I couldn't see the lines! How would I ever stay in the lines if I couldn't see them? I turned around in the first plowed driveway, missed my street coming the block back, but I waited until Tuesday to get out. Are we getting wimpy? I'd rather think smart.

Shirl said...

I do so relate! This is one of those winters we'll be talking about for years. And just think . . . it is still January!!!