Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Gift

My niece Tulip is quite crafty. She made these pots and . . . gave them to me, for plants out here at the farm. I was very touched. (You must know Tulip to catch the immensity of this *grin*)

ems pots copy


Julie said...

How sweet.

Julie said...

My mother is an avid gardener but certainly didn't pass that gene on to me. Paula's good at it too. She's especially good at flower arranging.
But me? I'm certain death to all plants that I even think about doing something with. Kinda sad really.

Shirl said...

Don't count yourself out, Julie! I'm just a dufus gardener, but I'm learning!

Julie said...

Oh no Shirl, I've tried and tried over the years. Lethal I am.