Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Great-Grandma's Jonquils


The jonquils are outside the north kitchen window. I can see them there in the morning as I make my breakfast, and in the evening as I putter in the kitchen. I like to think of Great-Grandma looking out at them, and then looking down the road to the next farm, where my Grandma (her daughter) lived. I like to think of her peeking to see if she can see little Barbry (my mother) playing in the yard, or walking down the lane to meet the team coming back from the fields.

I'm glad the jonquils bloom. But I forgot to smell them!!!!


Julie said...

There's always tomorrow.

Nice imagery in this post, Shirl. :)

Anonymous said...

I imagine Great-Grandma forgot to smell them once in a while herself. :)

There are things to be said for being well-rooted, aren't there?

Shirl said...

thanks, Julie, and you're right! As long as it doesn't rain too much, I can get right out there!

I like the well-rooted thought, Roscoe! And Great-Grandma might have missed a day or two, you're right.

Sudeaux Lux said...

The flowers shirley have a sweet story to tell.