Saturday, October 20, 2007


Thanks for the good wishes. I'm feeling better today. I had signed up for a lifetime ed class at MSU on grant-finding. I thought my friend Deb wanted to take it; she thought I wanted to take it. Fortunately, it was very interesting and we both got a lot out of it. If you know a non-profit looking for a grant in the U.S., or an individual looking for one, there is a great resource here.applebuttertheoldfashionedway

Dropped by the Nature Center to see how the Apple Butter Festival was going, then did a little grocery shopping and came home to watch Michigan State give Ohio a little bit of a worry before losing 24-17. (Ohio State is the school to beat this year.) Our showing there should scare the heck out of UofM. It was good to just relax with the kitties. (They're getting used to me hollering during the games now.)

When I cough I hurt. I think I strained some muscles the other night.

The weather was perfect fall today, and wonderful sunlight. The same expected for tomorrow.

And how is your Saturday?


Julie said...

Glad to hear you're on the mend. Tho' hurting coughs are a pain (pun intended!).
I'm non-profit :( Do I qualify for a grant?
Shame about the football :(
Heating up here....31 predicted for today and I think it was about the same yesterday.

Shirl said...

I dunno! There's some stuff about international grants in there. We didn't go through that.

Glad it's getting warmer. Any sunshine!

Julie said...

Bit cloudy today but there have been blue skies lately. it's a bit too warm today already.

Shirl said...

"too warm" i believe has left us. My sister and husband are coming to take my ac out of the window today.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. The festival sounds fun. In central NY I used to go to apple and other fall festivals.

Saturday was a better day around Chez Mindful Life. My baby girl was less distressed, which meant we were all less stressed!

Shirl said...

the fall festivals are fun, Kathryn, and I'm so glad you had a bit less stress!!