Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Eleven Deer Last Night

I got home about 8:00 p.m. last night. (I had stopped to see Aunt N, and then had to do grocery shopping.) Eleven deer were playing in the field across from my house.



Julie said...

Where're the photos? Any more 7-legged ones in that group?

Diane and Jack said...

I am not telling the Guy about this post! He might be out there locked and loaded. (lol)

I am with Julie. Where are the pictures??! :)

Shirl said...

eeek! They were WAY back by the woods. I haven't been able to make good friends with them yet . . . probably because there are lots of Guys out here that shoot at them.

*sigh* One of these days.

Shirl said...

eeek! They were WAY back by the woods. I haven't been able to make good friends with them yet . . . probably because there are lots of Guys out here that shoot at them.

*sigh* One of these days.

Julie said...

Wear the orange hat, then they'll know you're one of them.

Julie said...

Speaking of deer - Clare has deer in the forest across the road from her and she says they make a really strange noise, quite loud and scary - until she figured out what it was. Do your lot make weird noises?

Shirl said...

loud strange noises? Hmmm. No, mine snort, and sometimes cry, but it is a quiet sound. Does she have something else in her forest?

Julie said...

Probably. But it's the deer who are noisy.