Friday, March 30, 2007

Friday Fill-in.

1. I love my ... nieces & nephews, my farm, my gardens!
2. Looking in the mirror, I see ... Farmer Pete!
3. The best thing that happened to me this week was .... it's going to happen tonight! Three of the nieces are coming over for a scrapbook party.
4. Taking photographs... is one of my favorite things to do!
5. I always have a good time .... at home.
6. I'm looking for ... the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow . . . this weekend.
7. "Oh, I'm bein' followed by a ... moon shadow." .

via Julie.


Julie said...

Haha, #3 involved nieces for both of us.
Hope you find that pot o' gold!

Why aren't my links working properly? It's not doing the href thing, just gives me the straight url instead. Very annoying.

Anonymous said...

Have a fun, creative weekend!

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's nice to meet another middle-aged person.

Shirl said...

are you highlighting the word first, julie? that might make a difference.

And a wonderful weekend to you, Kathryn! Congratulations!

Nice to meet you too, Rhea!