Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sometimes, Perfection

Now, if you've been stopping by here for any length of time you know I like deer and fireflies and old things and gardens and . . .

So last night, I was out watering the garden beds. Because they are so far apart, and so far from the pump, I bucket water. I fill three buckets and put them in the wheelbarrow, then make my rounds. (If water sloshes into the wheelbarrow, I just dump the wheelbarrow on the bed.) It was a little after nine, and I was finishing up at the great wall of grand ledge garden bed.

I knew there were two deer in the field across the road, wandering back and forth in the corn. As I finished dumping my pails, I saw they had drawn nearer to the edge of their field. The sun was fading, and the fireflies were beginning their dance.

greatwallofgrandledge copy

I sat down on the great wall, and commenced to sing. When I lived in the apartment, I would never sing. Wouldn't want to bother the neighbors, right? But out here, where my next neighbor is an eighth of a mile away, I find myself singing quite often. And often the choice of song is one of the old hymns, hymns that Grandma Bea would play for us on the piano.

Surprisingly, the deer didn't run off. They came close to each other, as though they were conferring about the strange sounds they heard. And then they came closer yet, almost up to the road's edge.

They didn't cross the road last night, but before the summer is over I'm suspecting they will.

****of course, will they get hit by a truck as they cross the road? or will they come across and eat all of my gladioli? stay tuned, for further developments!


Diane and Jack said...

Do you ever leave out corn cobs for them? I bet if you did, you would they would come for a visit.

Julie said...

Beautiful story Shirl. I can just imagine the scene - except it's in the old west in my mind's eye. Like a scene from an old western musical.

sherle said...

Hello Shirl! Where have i been? I LOVE your new era! I've sort of begun one myself... but i'm sure it won't compare to yours. This is absolutely beautiful! You actually EXPRESS how i feel about living 'out in the country' although mine is only an acre & i can only hope to express as well as you do.

sherle, formerly known as granni39, sometimes known as salli, sharing the name Shirley with you, and finally beginning over again by myself (after almost 2 years of loneliness.)

Shirl said...

the guy across the road and down to the south has a feed pile out, Diane, so I'm trying to capture them a different way *grin*

yeah, that would work! and kevin could come riding up on an old horse, and . . .

and Shirley . . . you can surely do it. Alone wouldn't be my first choice, or second, but it can be made to work, and to work well. Good to see you, my friend, and adding you to the blogroll! Glad you found me!

Julie said...

oh yeah, nice scenario...