Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Peacock Orchids are Out!

They're not really orchids. They're related to the gladiolus family. One of the great things about gardening is how people love to share! My sister is the root gardener: she gave me cannas and these peacock orchids. I planted the peacocks in a semi-sunny area, and wasn't sure they would make it . . . but they did!


Back to work today.


webmaster said...


Anonymous said...

oh, so NyQuil something like cold aspirin, i take it? i thought it sounds like some pokemon name…lol. and yea, i'll definitely go on a road trip, just that i need the budget and the time. and hopefully, some companions :D

hmm...so what is a gladiolus family? haha, but it's always nice to see such a beautiful flower :D

Julie said...

It doesn't really look like either an orchid or a gladi. Never seen one of these before.