Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tuesday Wednesday Report (the pain must have addled my brain)

I went to a marketing seminar today. It was interesting.

I sat too long. My knee was aching, and just now I twisted it and something popped. Ice, please. Sheesh. I am getting old.


Julie said...

I've had bad knees since teenagerhood. Now my hips have joined them in the ache brigade.
Old sucks.

I hate to ask..... but how could a marketing seminar be interesting?

Anonymous said...

join the club. hurt my knees and they aches when i exercises too much without doing warm up...


Shirl said...

Thanks, Tien! You make me smile!

Now remember . . . I'm not a jock, so I'm not used to pain.

The marketing dude was a good storyteller. What can I say?

Julie said...

hehe, are you as bad as me about having the right dates and times on posts?

Anonymous said...

Pain, like time, is a relative concept.

What was a "hurt" when we were younger, may be understood now as a "friendly reminder" that something needs attending to. :)

Similarly, who is to say when a day or night truly ends or begins: some arbitrary scribbling on a calendar or scripting in a questionably coded piece of software, or our better sense conditioned experientially?

Name your days and mark your time as you choose, Shirl. As far as I'm concerned, I'll put more faith and confidence in what you say. I'd much rather let you define things.

Shirl said...

awww, Julie, you're too kind.

And Roscoe, what can I say? You always know how to make the booboos feel better. Thank you.