Thursday, June 21, 2007


One of our installers received a bad phone call on Tuesday: his sister had been murdered. Murdered by her husband, who then killed himself. Senseless.

In the next county, a woman suffering with cancer killed her 24-year-old Downs Syndrome daughter, then turned the shotgun on herself. Senseless.


sherle said...

...and unfortunately in this day, that's life!

Diane and Jack said...

Give my thoughts to the installer.

Senseless is right.

Julie said...

Senseless is right. There was a guy shot in Melbourne this week. Tried to help a woman who was being assaulted and ended up dead for his troubles.

Anonymous said...

Murder-suicides are always unsettling. I'm sorry for your installer and his loss.

As for the woman suffering from cancer with the Downs daughter, her decision does make a kind of terrible sense to me. I'm not approving her action or agreeing with it. However, if she was terminal (or feared she was) and if she was the primary and only caretaker of her daughter, I can see how her thinking would take her to the point of killing her daughter, then herself. She was "taking care" of her daughter rather than abandon her. What a painful place she must have been in to feel this decision was the only or best choice.

Shirl said...

that's for sure, sherle. When I googled NAMEOFSTATE murder suicide, scads of hits appear.

Thanks Diane. We're worried about him. He's the type that keeps things in too tightly. His foreman is going to try to give him extra attention, and I'll try to do the mother hen thing from my spot.

I'm surprised, Julie! I thought oz was more laid back. In fact, I thought you were going to chide me about the obsession with guns in the states, and I was going to give you that point.

Kathryn, I disagree. In this day and age, Downs shouldn't be a death sentence. The young woman who was killed was remembered as "funny and affectionate and an outstanding human being. . . She brought everyone smiles." In this surly age, what a wonderful endorsement.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying she should have been shot, nor that Down's is a death sentence. I simply meant that I could see a situation where a mother would feel desperate about the future of her daughter enough to kill her -- it's would be a terrible kind of mindset to live in, and it's regrettable that the mother did this. It's the protective mothering instinct gone awry. Very tragic. In Texas a woman did this recently to her four daughters. She hung them and then herself. The youngest one survived. It's shocking, but if one feels desperate and without hope, it makes a terrible kind of sense. Perhaps it's my experience from working in mental health and my own depression that allows me to think this. But not for a moment do I endorse the action.

Shirl said...

Kathryn, I well understand the pain that leads one to make the decision to take one's life. The senseless part would be to take someone else with me, no matter the circumstances.

Julie said...

I'm with you on the murder-suicide thing Shirl. There will always be someone, somewhere to take care of others. There's absolutely no justification for taking them with you. Unfortunately, it seems to happen all too often.