Monday, August 27, 2007

Becoming Jane

Becoming Jane is the story of Jane Austen before fame. It is a wonderfully filmed tale that leaves you wanting more. Anne Hathaway has become such a great actress. Princess Diaries has launched a terrific young actress.

I have to admit, I haven't read Jane Austen. The movie made me want to read her, or at least rent Pride and Prejudice. I understand I've been missing a lot by not seeing Colin Firth play Darcy in that movie.

After seeing Becoming Jane I had to stop and think what books we did read in English Lit. Boy, that was a long time ago. Excerpts from Beowulf and Canterbury Tales. Dickens, both Great Expectations and Christmas Carol. Thomas Hardy, if I remember correctly. Return of the Native. I bet that was it.

Now, I'm curious. If you took lit classes, what books did you read? I'm going to try to remember the Am Lit and World Lit selections also, but it is too late tonight.


Shirl's Rating: 3.5/4

This concludes the summer season of movies.


Julie said...

You haven't seen Colin Firth as Mr Darcy??!!! Oh Shirl, you're missing out BIG TIME.

Shirl said...

I know. i know. susan from the other-side-of-the-world says the same thing!

Julie said...

Rent it. Now!

And susan is coming to visit my bookshop. How exciting!

Shirl said...

She is!!!!!! OH YAY!!!!

I want pictures!!!!

Julie said...

You'll have to speak to her about that. :)

Gail said...

I haven't seen Becoming Jane yet. My husband will be away for a week after Labor Day - sounds like a good movie for my daughter and I to go see while he's gone. Unfortunately, my daughter likes action movies - so I will have to drag her kicking and screaming...but I'll bet she ends up liking it anyway.

I enjoyed reading both Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. And Colin Firth was a wonderful Mr. Darcy.

Shirl said...

I think she might like it, Gail, as it is a "woman's movie". It sure portrays the lack of freedom women had back then. Yikes!

I figured you for having read most of Austen. *smile*

Anonymous said...

Shirl, you have to put your hands on a copy of the BBC mini series Pride and Prejudice. It's really wonderful. And do read the novel. It's one of my favourites!