Thursday, August 09, 2007

A Different Angle on the Chicken Coop

Usually I take pictures of the chicken coop from the door side, which faces west. This is the south side. My brother Boo and his crew painted this side this spring. They figure one side a year, they'll have this building painted by 2010.


The preferred siting for chicken coops is to have the windows face south, here in the US. It's something about maximizing winter sun exposure and minimizing winter. Is it reversed in Oz?


Anonymous said...

hmm...looks beautiful. you know, i feel like living on a farm and have a easy laid back life, instead having a hectic life...but i guess it's not really possible. *sigh*

anyway, enjoy your day!

Shirl said...

thanks, tien. I feel caught between two worlds. Most of the time I'm running around in town, kind of frazzled. But then I come back home, to Paradise.

Diane and Jack said...

I could bring the boys up we could have done sooner. :D

Shirl, I have a buddy who lives down here but travels to his paradise up north and saids the exact same words you just wrote. But it is paradise, wouldn't trade it for nothing. ;)

Julie said...

I kinda answered this on flickr Shirl. In short, I don't know.

Shirl said...

I know your crew would have it done just like that, Diane!!! I feel blessed that I've been given this time in "Paradise".

Thanks for the chook pen picture, Julie!!!